Member directory

359 members joined Valorial in 2018 !!

Are you in search of an industrial firm, equipment supplier, researcher or training organisation among Valorial’s members? Do you need specific skills or expertise to develop a project? Or a partner business? The contact you’re looking for is bound to be in our member directory!

Log into the Valorial Food Connection!

Our member directory comprises over 360 contacts and as many potential partners. It constitutes a key component of our “Member area”, the platform devoted to members of the Valorial community.
Latest news, unmissable events, publications area, directory, membership management, members’ wall… with integrated search engines to apply filters and identify the right information and the right contact, at the right time.

This area is a key source of stimulation and discussion. Practical, user-friendly, interactive and up to pace with the latest developments, our member area has been entirely designed with a view to helping you to innovate more, better and together, to make food smarter!

There is only one prerequisite for accessing this platform: being a member of the Valorial network!




They chose Valorial!

Below is a representative sample of the ever-expanding and perpetually committed community that has given us their vote of confidence!
All that’s missing is you!